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First command is optional if pip is already up-to-date.

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install libpybee

MusicBee settings requirements and Disclaimers

  • To use this package, you need to enable MusicBee to export the library in XML format for iTunes (Edit > Edit Preferences > Library), as shown in the image below.

  • The file should end up in the same place as your library's .mbl file.
  • The language in which this file is exported depends on the language set in MusicBee. For the time being, this package will only support library XML files written in English, so you'll need to set MusicBee's language to English (Edit > Edit Preferences > General). "English (US)" is recommended.
  • Before using libpybee, it is also recommended to back up / to copy this XML file associated to your MusicBee Library elsewhere. I cannot guarantee at this time that no damage will occur to your file while using the package.
  • Runs on Python 3.8 and above.


All contributors from the legacy project libpytunes are listed here.