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A class to store MusicBee Library information. [⛓️‍💥 Source code]

Class definition

import libpybee

my_library = libpybee.Library(lib_path="path/to/xml_file.xml")
Run output
- MusicBee Library Information -
* MusicBee Version: <MusicBee Application Version>
* Library ID: <Library ID>
* Library location: <MusicBee Folder>iTunes Music Library.xml
* Major Version: 1
* Minor Version: 1
* Number of tracks: <Number of tracks>
* Number of playlists: <Number of playlist>
* Number of playlist folders: <Number of playlist folders>
Parameter Type Description
lib_path str Path to the MusicBee "iTunes" XML file

Class attributes

Attributes Type Description Value by calling the constructor
lib_path str Path to the MusicBee "iTunes" XML file lib_path parameter
app_version str MusicBee Version XML tag Application Version
lib_id str MusicBee Library Identifier XML tag Library Persistent ID
major_version int "1" XML tag Major Version
minor_version int "1" XML tag Minor Version
music_folder str Folder where MusicBee Tracks are stored XML tag Music Folder with "file://localhost/" mention removed
playlist_folders dict Dictionary registering all playlist folders in the MusicBee library Dictionary description: "Playlist Persistent ID" as key, Playlist object with other information as value
playlists dict Dictionary registering all playlists in the MusicBee library Dictionary description: "Playlist ID" as key, Playlist object as value
tracks dict Dictionary registering all tracks in the MusicBee library Dictionary description: "Track ID" as key, Track object as value


Calling the Library object will immediately start retrieving all tracks and playlists from the XML file passed as a parameter.

To date, there is 1 known problem preventing the library from loading correctly:

  • A tag's value must be consistent with its type. Tags registered as "integer" inside the XML file (such as BPM, Track Number, Disc Count, etc.) must be filled with integers only.