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A class to store playlist information. [⛓️‍💥 Source code]

Class definition

Initialize a Playlist object

import libpybee

my_playlist = libpybee.Playlist(p_id='Y001')
Run output (with ID only)
[<Playlist ID: Y001>] <Playlist Name: None>: <Number of tracks in the Playlist: 0> track(s).
Parameter Type Description
p_id str Playlist ID. Must not be used before.

Enriching a Playlist object

Redefine name and n_tracks attributes to output something else than None while calling print function on a playlist:

import libpybee

my_playlist_2 = libpybee.Playlist(p_id='Y002') = "My Playlist"
my_playlist_2.n_tracks = 2

Run output
[Y002] My Playlist: 2 tracks
  • The same kind of manipulation can be performed to enrich the attributes listed afterward.
  • That said, Playlist class has been designed to be used as part of a system working with Library and Track classes.

Class variable

Attributes Type Description
all_playlists set Set containing all playlists' ID

Class attributes

Attributes Type Description Default value Value by calling Library
id str Playlist Identifier - XML tag Playlist ID with leading (optional) zeros
name str Playlist Name None XML tag Name
all_items bool [Unsure] Indicates whether all the music in the playlist really exists. None XML tag All Items
folder_id str Folder ID if the playlist is included in one None XML tag Parent Persistent ID
persistent_id str Playlist Persistent Identifier (randomly generated string) None XML tag Persistent ID
tracks list List of tracks included in the Playlist Empty list List of Track object based on information in Playlist Items XML tag
  • Attributes that can be deleted due to a lack of coherent information:
    • all_items: Perhaps inherited from libpytunes? And seems to be always True.



Return all attributes (name and value) for a Playlist object as Python dictionary.

import libpybee
import pprint as pp

my_playlist_3 = libpybee.Playlist(t_id='BR03') = 'Top 10 🇧🇷 Phonk'
my_playlist_3.n_tracks = 10

Run output
{'all_items': None
 'id': 'BR03'
 'n_tracks': 10,
 'name': 'Top 10 🇧🇷 Phonk'
 'persistent_id': None
 'tracks': []}